23 March 2014

The men had a hard training-session this evening, with half a dozen bottles of very nice Spanish red, a few beers, Tapas and Tarta Santiago.
The men were completely exhausted after the grueling session, so the women were co-opted to drive the convoy home.
As part of the evening's proceedings, we renamed Kluster to Kernel Kluster, for reasons that I will not go into here. There was a discussion around changing TL's name to something less boring, but there was no decision made....something will come-up.
Even though it was a tough-session, a great time was had by all. (TL)

The men hard-at it, a really tough training-session. (someone has to do it)
The Support Crew - from the left: Jan, Pene, Jan, Joanne, Helen (HJ)

22 March 2014

We all made it for the walk this morning, at the same time :-)
The picture was taken at 05:45AM at Kluster's Turn.
From the left - Kluster; Compass; Ram; Captain Fos and TL.
We finished at 07:35AM - 13.8Km, with Compass, Ram and Captain Fos going for a swim at Port Beach and TL and HJ going to claim the table for breakfast - with the remaining following-on for breakfast after the swim. Unfortunately Kluster could not make it for breakfast, due to flying commitments.
Adios (TL)

08 March 2014

We were a man down for our walk yesterday - Captain Fos strained an eyebrow during the week and went lame, fortunately nothing too serious. However we could not get a photo of the whole Team - tal vez la próxima semana. (TL)