30 April 2014

Ambasmestas To O Cebreiro

The walk to O Cebreiro was very scenic and very tough. Once we started the climb, the air was noticeably thinner and the smell of cow-pats stronger. One thing we have noticed is the more West we go, the stronger the smell of cow-manure. We were about three quarters the way up to O Cebreiro, sore legs, poncho on, poncho off, beanie on, beanie off, trying to get cool, but not wet in the clouds/mist...a very difficult task, when I heard some children ahead....unusual I thought! I assumed then that we were closer O Cebreiro than I had calculated. Instead, we came across a German family walking the Camino.....talk about stamina.
They started on March 11th from Germany and expect to finish in July and the longest day was 25km.
Three kids - a baby in the back-pack, a little girl and the oldest a boy, playing the harmonica and the father towing a trolley. Instantly our whinging ceased and we were gob-smacked by the scene ahead.....(TL humbled).
A German Family Holiday

1 comment:

  1. I'm way impressed! We don't mind "roughing it", but you'll never see our little family walking from Margaret River to Perth LOL.
