30 April 2014

O Cebreiro Dinner

We decided to look around for an alternative venue for dinner. As you can imagine, with only 6 or 7 buildings in town, choices were limited. After a visit to the local church to get our passports stamped and a happy-snap of the Four Amigos on the other side of town, we ended-up in a place run by an Italian couple. Pasta, chicken and mixed grill filled our stomaches...not forgetting the chips, with vino de casa taking-up the gaps between and off to the hotel for an early start to Triacastela (Three Castles)....(TL).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hombres, thinking of you and following the tales! Not likely to find a curry up there, but we'll have your fill ready on your return..... come home safe... Good luck, Don & Julia
