28 April 2014

Our First Casualty

Over the mountain, we were all running out of water and had not had breakfast.
We were looking a bit desperate and eyeing each other off for an arm or leg for sustenance, to help us on the way, with the Dual Of The Banjos playing in our ears.
Fortunately we came to civilization before things got out of hand, although the bar was closed, it brought us back to reality.
We managed to get down the mountain without any of us popping a knee.
Towards the bottom, we were passed by this young woman RUNNING down the mountain. We had to hold Compass back, as the "rat" came out of him again and he was tempted to follow her.
Captain Fos had a blow-out on both his big toes. Here is a picture the Cap sitting on Compass's seat, applying Fixamol. Funny thing, he cut the Fixamol down the middle and then threw away the tape and proceeded to apply the backing to his toes, wondering why it would not stick to his toe!
After setting him straight, we cut some more and TL played doctor and applied the tape to his toes.
By the time we got to the hotel, he was feeling much better.....(TL)
Captain Fos with Fixamol applied correctly by TL

1 comment:

  1. Good to know you are keeping compass under control. I like the rat up a down pipe description!
