07 May 2014

Daily Serenade

Since we left Astorga, some two weeks ago, we have had a daily serenade by a Cuckoo bird. Sometimes to the right, but mostly to the left. It has followed each day and has kept out of view, but still kept pace with us. I am sure it is the same one that followed us in 2010 again in 2012 and also this time.
The past two days, the Cuckoo has been accompanied by armies (collective noun) of frogs. There has been a lot of ponds and waterways, with the noise being a good indicator of the environmental health of the region.
We have also been amongst other pilgrims, some noisy, but not anywhere as bad as the racket leaving Sarria. The pilgrims seem to come in waves and one can be walking along and not see anyone else, except our group. If you stop for a coffee, you can be inundated with 50-60 all at once, so if you find a place without anyone there, it is either not a good place to stop for refreshment, or you are between waves....where one has left and another is approaching.
Many times since Sarria, we have had to stop and let the "Sunday Walkers" go by, so we can have some solitude whilst walking, otherwise the noise can be very aggravating, unlike the call of the Cuckoo and the croaking of the frogs.

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