09 May 2014

Padron Peppers

From the first time I introduced the team to Padron Peppers, we have had them as part of our pilgrimage. Unfortunately, quite a few places that advertise them, don't have them.
They are like a sneaky surprise, most of them are very mild like green capsicums, however a couple every plate have the potential to blow your head off. Cooked or should I say fried in olive oil, they are good for regular "activity" and tasty to boot! Here is a pic of Ram, doing the traditional gobble.
Remember the aliens in the TV show "V", eating the mice?


  1. They are yummy HJ introduced Jan and I to them today!

    1. That is great. We have had a success-rate of about one in four during the walk. Another thing to look forward to in Santiago!

  2. We had them twice today and not a spicy one :-(
